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Winter snakes

By February 5, 2014the pillow SNAKES

sarpe2 sarpe1I’m making winter snakes for cuddling!!! They are pretty good to sleep with, hug and why not even to talk to:)) but you won’t get anything but a warm hug from them!:))

Cuddle on!!!


Lucrez la o serie noua de serpi pufosi de tolanit, lenevit, imbratisat:)  O mica ilustratie despre cum ii poti folosi:) Sunt moi, colorati, umpluti cu vatelina si de lungimi diferite…

Il poti innoda in diferite feluri si asa isi schimba forma dupa bunul tau plac. Nu musca!

Hibernare placuta!!!




Picture 0024


Author ioanamica

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