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WOOL stuff

the time is love

the time is love. Hope all your days are full of love!!!

*handmade wool hood that sometimes turns into a scarf and mittens with love that sometimes turns into a circle 🙂

fingerless gloves & colour

A special photo session with my fingerless gloves and two friends. Madalina and Horia, the photographer, got carried away with the colours and started playing with them. Keep warm and feel good!

Mitene galbene

Handmade fingerless gloves, perfect for cheering up your day! WE found an old funky scooter@ Buffet 35 and had some fun with Mada, Horia and the gloves:)  Today, the yellow ones:)

model: Madalina Pavel mitene La Obiect photo: Hria

Mitene galbene crosetate manual din lanica colorata. Intr-un colt frumos din Bucuresti, am gasit scuterul acesta simpatic si ne-am imaginat calatorii pe mal de apa, soare si frumos. Mitenele sunt atat pentru domnizte cat si pentru domni stimabili, cu sau fara scuter:) ba chiar, daca stau bine sa ma gandesc, sunt perfecte pentu domnite si domni pe biciclete!

Knitted Hood

it’s winter time and the living’s easy:) I’ve started doing this wool knitted hoods that are great for cold winter days and nights. I took them on a travel in Romania in a beautiful wild place. thanks Ana Maria Radu for the pictures:)

Fluffy winter warmers

Because it’s winter time in Bucharest, I’m working on some fluffy winter hand warmers. I love the colors they have and the warm feeling they give me. Hope you like them!