When the girls from Asociatia Bohemian told us they would like to organise the second edition of Festivalul de cultura urbana Bohemian Square, wanting it to be bigger and with new sections we thought it could be a challenge for us and we didn’t hesitate to integrate this nice project among our summer challenges.
We chose one of the squares from the middle of Brasov’s old center as our playground and after a few months of creating and innovating , there’s the beautiful project: We’ve created an urban route, linking two important points of the city Piata Sfatului and Piata Enescu through a series of interventions designed to transform some urban spaces rarely used in public spaces with socio-cultural value.
- foto: Robert Cadar
- sotron La obiect, foto: Andrei Paul
- foto: Andrei Paul
- foto: Andrei Paul
- foto: Robert Cadar
- foto: Andrei Paul
- making off! foto: Andrei Paul
- foto: Andrei Paul
- foto: Andrei Paul
- foto: Robert Cadar
- foto: Andrei Paul
- foto: Andrei Paul
- foto: Andrei Paul
- foto: Andrei Paul
- foto: Andrei Paul
- foto: Robert Cadar
- foto: Robert Cadar
- foto: Bisca Cristian
Old City, New architecture – tensile design, defining the market, creating an intimate space, a living market, not just a headroom. We upholstered the pavement with grass and created The Bohemian Lounge with pieces of furniture made of reused pallets and with the famous La Obiect poufs.
The comfy spot invited people to stop by the outdoor library opened during the festival. For three days there was music, theatre and lots of workshops taking place on the streets of Brasov. It was just PERFECT!
We would like to thank to Gazonul, Mobilier din paleti, Humanitas libraries and Okian for the involvement and full support! Also thank you Alpinisha team for giving us your invaluable aid in the achievement of all items!
Many special thanks to Asociatia Bohemian for inviting us and making us part of their wonderful story!
Last, but not least a big Thanks to the volunteers for their involvement!
You can find more pictures (foto by Robert Cadar) and here (foto by Andrei Paul) and of course on our facebook page!
La Obiect Team: Ioana Trantea – The Originator
Madalina Sarbu – The Elevator
Ana Maria Radu – The Innovator
Our beloved wizards : George Tocanie from Alpinisha and Costin Vidan
Our teleportation responsible: Radu Ciolpan
Another beautiful pouf from Ana Maria Radu. A beautiful gift for her newlyweds friends. It’s made from natural materials and a great love story that meanwhile welcomed a baby:)
We just finished the elephant pouf ‘Dumbo’. Here are some ways you can use it and play with it. It’s filled with polyester pearls and good vibes:)
Tocmai ce am terminat puful elefant, a ajuns in noua casuta, o casuta vesela si verde:)
Puful are diametrul de 1.30 m, o inaltime a sezutului de 50 cm, trompa plina ochi de perlute…husa interioara si exterioara prevazute cu fermoar si cateva kilograme bune de perle de polistiren. Si pentru ca tot e ajunul Craciunului, va colind si eu cu un la multi ani si Craciun fericit! 🙂
Puful ‘acasa’ a fost un cadou perfect pentru o familie tanara si frumoasa:)
Casuta are atat husa interioara cat si exterioara, ambele prevazute cu fermoar, pentru a le putea spala si / sau reumple. In casuta sunt mii de perle de polistiren. Pisica e intotdeauna la fereastra:)
The ‘home’ pouf was a present for a young family.
Made out of nice natural materials, the cat always smiles from the open window. Hope you enjoy it!
made by Ana Maria Radu
Tabureti din materiale naturale, umpluti cu perle de polistiren, 45 cm diametrul si 30 cm inaltime.
Dupa ce au calatorit toata vara pe la festivaluri, le-am facut loc in casa/atelier.
Foto Electric Castle via fb.
Smooth Stools from natural materials filled with polyester pearls.