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the pillow SNAKES

Hammock pillows

I’m working on a new project. It involves a MinorSwing Hammock and a soft comfy pillow. It’s a remake of the snakes I do. We’ve been testing them on some friends @Electric Castle Festival and they fell in love with the concept:) So be prepared for a La Obiect twist on the hammocks, the hammock pillow!

Soon in all the rainbow colors!

Winter snakes

sarpe2 sarpe1I’m making winter snakes for cuddling!!! They are pretty good to sleep with, hug and why not even to talk to:)) but you won’t get anything but a warm hug from them!:))

Cuddle on!!!


Lucrez la o serie noua de serpi pufosi de tolanit, lenevit, imbratisat:)  O mica ilustratie despre cum ii poti folosi:) Sunt moi, colorati, umpluti cu vatelina si de lungimi diferite…

Il poti innoda in diferite feluri si asa isi schimba forma dupa bunul tau plac. Nu musca!

Hibernare placuta!!!




Picture 0024

new home!@

Puful ‘acasa’ a fost un cadou perfect pentru o familie tanara si frumoasa:)

Casuta are atat husa interioara cat si exterioara, ambele prevazute cu fermoar, pentru a le putea spala si / sau reumple. In casuta sunt mii de perle de polistiren. Pisica e intotdeauna la fereastra:)


The ‘home’ pouf was a present for a young family.

Made out of nice natural materials, the cat always smiles from the open window. Hope you enjoy it!

made by Ana Maria Radu


Misbits  is a new place in town, a nice record shop that just opened yesterday!

I think it’s the first one in Bucharest, that really makes you feel like home! I helped with some fluffy details, snakes and clouds and some ideas:) Good luck  Ioana P!!!

Come visit!!!

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